Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Why art is my favorite tech

Out of all the different  techs I have to say that art is my favourite of all of them and there are reasons why.

Firstly, art is something that I enjoy doing and because you can paint/draw whatever you like that you can do. I also like art because mr Notting (the art teacher) doesn’t really mind what you do as long as you do your best and like your art that you did. The good thing about doing art is that you always learn more about different things such as shading and how to put colors in the right place, I also enjoy art tech because I overall enjoy the fact that you can do whatever you like without being judged too much about your style or how good you are at it so even if you don’t have any experience in art the teacher can always help you get better at art. To be honest, drawing has always been a hobby of mine and I don’t really try at it so being in art tech has pushed me to try a little harder than I was before and I feel that I've gotten better because of it.

(image above is a drawing I did earlier this year of Jonathan Joestar from the series Jojo's bizarre adventure)